Didn't know if this should have been under gaming discussion or here, feel free to move it. BASICALLY, nobody should have to play alone, that's just boring sometimes. So put your GT here and the games you'd like to play online (maybe the mode), and hopefully we can find each other online.
Added (2008-11-23, 7:54 Pm)
Ill start i guess.
Usually I'm on Too Human nowadays, so if your ever online send me an invite or something.
If I'm not on Too Human, I'm playing Halo 1, 2, 3. Usually i play SWAT or Snipers, but ill play pretty much anything else if someone else wants to.
Also, to the mods, When I wrote this up I had a question...I know speaking of spider farming or duping is like the plague over at TH.net, whats the rule on that here? Just a question, please don't ban me, lol.