Greetings all! Version 2 is alive. Feel free to post in the newer, better and spam-free Guide!
(Link to Version 1, R.I.P.)
I am Desert Storm. I created a guide for the berserker class around a month ago, Version 1, aka v1. But now on my new account, comes Version 2. Please know: It will be a large read, and I will try my best to explain. I do not know everything to the best of my ability, so any mistakes should be reported to me for correction. Thanks!
_-= A Guide to the Berserker Class v2 =-_
Guide list:
Use Ctrl + F and copy + paste in the number next to the Section to get to that part.
# Section: Code:
1) Overview VV050
2) Alignment AM100
3) Skill Trees SK150
4) Rolling RL200
5) Runes RU250
6) Armor / Weapons AW300
7) Enemies EM350
8) Polarities PR450
9) Bosses BS500
10) Strategy ST550
11) Advanced Combat AC600
12) Tokens TK650
13) Co-Op CP700
14) Extras ET750
15) Updates UP800
16) Contact Info CI850
1) Overview VV050
The Berserker class is fast and deadly. Agile and swift. However, while we can dish it out, we cannot take it. As a Berserker, you will be constantly moving to avoid death. You will die a few times trying out the class. After you have learned it, you will become a master at survivability in the hands of any other class. This will not be easy, and you will have to open your mind to adapt.
2) Alignment AM100
Okay, so lately theres a lot of "Cybernetic or Human!?" posts (Well, last forums). I'm here to give you advice.
- Very customization able armor / weapons.
- Faster attacks then Cybernetic.
- Best in-game ruiner ability.
- Extra combo meter.
- Can out damage Cybernetic in the 'long run'.
- Elite set bonus is amazing.
- Low armor.
- Not as much damage 'right away' as Cybernetic.
- Has to stick to Rifles.
- More armor then the Human.
- More damage in at first then Human.
- Best ranged weapon in-game.
- More damage per hit then Human.
- Easily take down bosses.
- Elite set looks very tight.
- Overkill to the lesser mobs.
- Low combo meter.
- Extremely small customization, so good luck scouting armor / weapons in shops that fit your needs.
3) Skill Tree Paths SK150
Many are confused what skill tree path does what, and why to go down it. Here are some tips on the paths.
Left: Speed. If a Human Berserker goes down this path, he/she is the ultimate berserker at duel wielding speed. Great to unleash many attacks. The Spider ability down here is a sticky bomb for any bad situations. The Battle Cry increases attack speed.
Middle: Increases movement speed. Any berserker down this path becomes the ULTIMATE speeding bullet on ANY battlefield. The spider helps snares the enemies to make them slower, and the Battle Cry makes you even faster while running around!
Right: Damage Berserker. Any Cybernetic Berserker who goes down this path becomes the ultimate damage dealing berserker. The spider ability deploys as a mine, which is good for traps. And the Battle Cry increases damage.
4) Rolling RL200
Adding this quote in for some extra info, thanks Acidfoxx!
Quote (Acidfoxx)
Originally Posted by Acidfoxx
Nice write up, I read it originally on the old forum. As far as tips on how to effectively play a Berserker there is only one that is more important than your alignment, damage output, attack speed and enemy strategy.
Seriously, roll, roll all the time. While your playing roll around on the floor at your house. Just make sure your doing it!
Rolling makes you immune to almost everything. Arrows, Trolls Hammers, and things of that nature. While rolling, you avoid damage and get out of sticky situations. There’s also a good little skill to do if low on health. Start running away and slide right back into the enemy, then roll back and run away. This way they get smacked and you're not taking any damage.
It takes a long time, but its a good way to go if you're low on health. Also, if you're rolling when a DoT's on you, it absorbs it.
5) Runes RV250
There are some runes that are mandatory for a Berserker. (This list is in order from most needed, to least. Please note this is for me, so you don't have to agree in the order required. Try to figure out your own favorite if you wish.)
1) Health
2) Armor
3) Duel wield attack speed (Human) / Duel wield attack damage (Cybernetic)
4) Strength
5) Dodge
That's the basic set-up for the Berserker rune requirements. After you max them out (Dodge and strength not required, 1-3 is however), then put in any extras that you like / need. Duel wield attack radius is also good.
6) Armor / Weapons AW300
Armor for the Berserker class needs a few stats to help keep you up. Health, Armor, and duel wield attack speed should get maxed out first. Due to the Berserker not having much health or armor, this lets you recover from a mistake with less of a hurt.
Weapons: Berserker's all about speed. Use duel wields! Never really use one hand or two hand weapons, only duel wield. You may think you're doing more damage, but you're not. Duel wield is faster and does more damage in the end. Also, all skill trees have something to upgrade the duel wields damage / speed, not any for the one hand or two hand weapons.
Ranged Weapons: Laser Rifles for Human Berserker's. The damage it does is amazing due to it picking up after a few seconds. Its secondary attack can help clear many enemies.
Cannons for any Cybernetic Berserker's. That’s the ultimate ranged weapon and it helps with any leader / boss fights requiring ranged attacks.
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Added (2009-01-11, 7:45 Pm)
7) Enemies (Leaders are going to be covered later) EM350
There are quiet a few enemies throughout the world of Too Human. I am rating them from Low, to Extreme on an difficulty scale for the Berserker class. Along with tips on how to defeat them.
Goblins: An easy enemy. They pose almost no threat to the Berserker class. They can be easily killed with just one mere hit, and since there are so many it helps you build up your combo meter. Just point the right analog stick in the direction you wish to hit them, once you hit one instantly target another. Keep doing this to 'ping pong' amongst the Goblins.
Danger: Low
Ranged Goblins: These annoying little fellows blend in with the average Goblin and fire rockets that can cause havoc amongst you and your teammates. These are a very high priority to take out due to their rockets can knock you down. As a berserker, stalling is very bad in the heat of battle. Our class is all about living on the edge and constantly moving to avoid death. And if you're knocked down, you're not moving, eh?
Danger: Medium
Trolls: Trolls can put a damper on your spirit. They're annoying, but not impossible to kill. The first few times going against a troll will more then likely end up resulting in a few deaths. They can either do their hammer attack which does an AoE (Area of Effect), knocking you down while hurting your hearth. Same with their stomp. Jump up and do a finisher to their chest. Once that’s down, run behind them and mount them (A button), then push both analog sticks in the opposite direction the trolls leaning. Once you center it, push down on the analog sticks to do the killing blow. When ever they stomp / use their hammer, roll so it doesn't knock you down.
Danger: High
Ranged Trolls: They're very weak in melee (but watch our for their stomp and smack!), just run up and do a finisher to their chest and try to destroy the large container on their back to mount them. Do not run towards any of the balls they shoot on the ground. They explode and cause some serve damage. Run away, you have around 2 seconds to get enough distance from them once they are on the ground. If not paid attention to, these guys can mess you up, but they're not a big priority. Just more than the Hammer Trolls.
Danger: High
Dark Elf’s: These guys can be a serious annoyance, due to taking forever to kill. If they start to swarm you, use a ruiner to get out. These guys don't play around, however they're just a bit more of a threat than the Goblins. They don't swarm you as much as Goblins, but when they do it can be harsh. Constantly slide in between them and back to slowly kill them off while avoiding fire.
Danger: Medium
Ranged Dark Elf: These guys oddly enough pose a small thread because their aiming is pretty bad. When running towards one, just dodge around and move in zig-zag and such. Take these out first to make sure the Dark Elf’s don't hold you down while getting sprayed with energy. Once up and in front of them, theses almost little to no threat as they're purely ranged.
Danger: Medium
Sniper Elf’s: Okay, possibility your most annoying enemy on the field for the Elf’s. Sniper Elf’s *rarely* ever miss, and they take a BIG chunk of your health from very far away. In fact, there’s only one spawn point for them that I know of! They can take you down within seconds, constantly roll and rush them as your main target more than anything else. (Note: Sniper Elf’s look like regular Elf’s, however they have an 'cannon' on their back that requires them to kneel to fire.)
Update: It seems that Sniper Elf’s cannot hurt you while in the air. Use this to your advantage by jumping up and scouting for one. Thanks, Eiself.
Danger: Extreme
Undead: Just about as weak as Goblins, however, they require more hits to take down. They need to be hit maybe 2-3 times before moving on to the next, they're not a big threat. If they start to swarm you, you could be in trouble. Use a ruiner to get out of there. They're very slow.
Danger: Low
Undead Wolf Trooper: Ranged undead, however not very deadly. Rather in-accurate with shots, but should not be overlooked. Take these down before you go after regular undead. You'll notice them holding a gun. 2-3 hits and they're gone.
Danger: Medium
Undead Wraiths: Nasty friends. They're half floating bodies. They do a ranged AoE attack, and one on death. So run in, smack 'em a few times. When they're about to die, juggle them up and roll back so they explode away from you.
Leaders (Not bosses, so no spoilers)
'Red Eyes': The Leaders for the Goblins. They have an energy shield to protect them and they can knock you down. Slide right up to them and juggle them into the air. Smack 'em a few times while in the air and do a finisher to quickly take them out. They should not be ignored.
Danger: Medium
Dark Elf Leaders: They look like giant spiders that can be rather annoying. They have a bow for long ranged attacks and can stomp the ground for an AoE just like the trolls Hammer. If they shoot an arrow at you, roll. It doesn't matter what direction, if an arrow hits you while rolling, you become immune. Use a ruiner and then take them down.
Danger: High
Undead Necromancers: Giant undead that are on a small hovering craft. Jump up and go all out with finishers and quick attacks. When ever one starts to glow, roll around to dodge the very deadly AoE. This AoE, while hurting you, can raise any undead back to fight for him. So that's a big threat as well.
Danger: High
Elite Trolls: There are some things that these pesky fellows can do that you need to know. Their hits are STRONG, very, very strong. 2-3 can kill you. So keep your thumb on that B button constantly! Also, they cannot be mounted. So you're going to have to shoot them. They are larger then an average Troll and are completely golden.
Danger: High
8) Polarities PR450
Okay, think the enemies are annoying enough (Definitely the trolls)? Think again! We're covering... Polarities...
Polarities are enemies that have unique features added onto them. They have their color changed and glow.
Before we start, however. I must let you know there are two different kinds for each Polarity, light and dark. Light ones are the Polarities that seem to be glowing. Using melee against them will cause their polarity to go off, use ranged against them. Dark Polarities are not lit up but you can tell the difference, if you shoot them it lights them up. Melee them, however if you shoot them give them two seconds for it to go back to normal.
Note: Coloring the name of the Polarities to what their color is for to help notice what they look like.
Explosive: These Polarities are bright red and glowing. They explode on death, knocking you down and putting a DoT (Damage over Time) on you. DoT's slowly tick away at your health and can kill you if you're not paying attention. These guys are extremely annoying and hard to see when 'ping ponging' between the weaker enemies such as Goblins. Used a ranged attack (Suggest an grenade from a laser rifle) to quickly take them out. Their explosion hurts other enemies as well. So killing one in the middle of the group may kill the others nearby.
Troll Explosives: Never mount them to kill them. Their explosion can seriously hurt, and may kill you.
Freezing: Freezing Polarities are blue, which freeze you upon death. While that doesn't seem like much, it is. If frozen, you can't move until an enemy hits you, or you wait it out (Which can be a long time). Making you defenseless, which is very bad. Once unfrozen, roll away from any enemies that might be surrounding you.
Freezing Trolls: VERY ANNOYING. Very much so if they're Hammer trolls. Even if you dodge, you will get frozen. While this does not hurt you, it does make you vulnerable. Do an air finisher to the chest and quickly as possible mount and kill them.
Dampening: The Dampening polarities are only on Trolls (That I know of)
Dampen Trolls: A very dangerous foe. While they do the same damage as a regular troll, they lower your health and defense with a yellowish glow on your character. If you mount them, or stand nearby, you will get this. It lasts for about 10 seconds, however, if you get hurt with this on it can almost (if not, will) kill you. Be VERY careful. I had 100% health and got this on me. A Dark Elf Leader arrow shot me (Which normally does 10% of my health) triggered the yellow... and killed me. Just wait it out.
Slowing('Slowing', in-case it's to hard to read): While they really don't hurt, they slow you down, A LOT. To the point it takes 3-4 FULL seconds to do a roll. They are the light version, avoid melee and take them out from range. If you happen to get hit by this, keep rolling to keep your defenses up.
Slowing Trolls: Annoying. While they do no damage with their hammer, their stomps can still hurt you. Making you VERY slow and VERY hard to get behind them to mount them. Just take your time and kill off any other enemies nearby as the troll isn't a threat, just an annoyance.
Poison: Green my friends, is bad. There is no Poison trolls, thankfully. Green glowing enemies are poisoned. Once they die, a toxic cloud is unleashed onto your character creating a very long and deadly DoT. All I can suggest is find lots of health orbs, and never melee them. This also effects any other enemies, so kill 'em in the middle of a group and it will do wonders.
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Added (2009-01-11, 7:46 Pm)
Negative Combo Meter: I have personally never ran into one. However, I am getting multiple posts stating that there is this kind of Polarity. Reports claim they're goblins and that they have an 'distinct redness' to them that should be easy to spot. Melee goblins will take away one of your combo meter points if you kill them, while missile goblins will take away one point if you're hit by their missile. Combo points are needed a lot for Berserker's, so I'm going to state that they're dangerous.
9) Bosses BS500 (WARNING: Possible spoilers, if you do not wish to know about the names / tactics of the bosses, please skip down to the red line "/End Possible Spoiler". There will be no mention what happens during, after, or before the boss fights. I'm only posting the way you defeat them)
(Note: Ruiners can freeze bosses. If you're against an melee-heavy boss, such as GRNDL or Everlasting Hatred, this can seriously help. Thanks Iron for the reminder!)
GRNDL: Rather easy boss fight. Have a Laser rifle equip'd. He starts off on his hands and knees. Just dodge his attacks and use finishers. After a while, he will stand on his legs and slowly walk towards you with his Grinders out. Constantly move backwards while shooting at his grinders with your laser. Roll if he tries to grabs a hold of you, and if any of his drones stick onto you, roll. Once hes back on his hands and knees, keep doing finishers. Then he will get back on his legs for his final time. Target his head to quickly take him down.
Update: GRNDL can be stalled with ruiners are special times that can help make the fight easier. At 80% and 30% he deploys into his "Walking" stage. Ruiner him before he starts up and go all out as fast as you can. Sometimes if you're lucky you can skip the stage entirely if fast enough. Thanks, Sickness.
Danger: Medium
Hod: Annoying and long. Just shoot the shield generators and destroy any platforms hes standing on. Roll around to dodge his shots (Which are very deadly). Three levels, five platforms each. Just keep destroying the platforms. After you destroy one and force him down another level and some guards will come. Quickly take them down and go to the next level. By the time you're on the bottom, use your Fenrir and Spider ability to get to Hod. Unleash all you can against him ASAP. Ignore any additional enemies. He's your target, and your ticket to winning the level.
Additional information: If you're Cybernetic, use a Laser Cannons secondary fire to quickly destroy the platforms in mer seconds. If you're Human, use the secondary fire from your rifle (grenade launcher). Mostly ignore the adds, unless you're being swarmed or need some combo meters.
Danger: High
Everlasting Hatred: Very annoying, and personally my least favorite boss. It took me a long time to finally get used to him, and after countless posts complaining that I was doing it wrong, I decided to update this part a bit more. His fight has waves and waves of goblins, so go ahead and slice them up while rolling away from him. This builds your combo meter up. Keep doing this, and then blow a ruiner on the boss to stun him. Jump up, and do an air finisher to parts of his body. Keep doing this until his armors gone. Then use the laser to quickly take him down.
Danger: High
GARM: His attacks aren't very deadly, just too many missiles. If you go far away he launches dozens at you. Just roll around to 'absorb' the missiles. You will have to be ranged most of the fight. If you try and get close he will seriously hurt you. Constantly move to his right while firing. Once one of his armor pieces are down and hes cowering, move in for melee. Once hes back up, repeat the steps again for the next piece.
Danger: High
Hel: Rather easy fight for any Berserker. Just rush up to her and unleash everything you can. She can't take much damage, but she's agile. So watch where shes looking to 'teleport' next. Rush over there and keep on her. Not very deadly, just summons a lot of adds. Don't worry about them too much unless its overwhelming. Then use a ruiner. Go straight for her.
Danger: Medium
/End Possible Spoilers
10) Strategy ST550
Strategy for each level. So far I've only made Hall of Hero’s.
Hall of Hero’s
Here I'm writing step by step for the Hall of Hero’s level, using a brand new character. No alignment to prevent people claiming I was unfair and such.
Alright, welcome Lord Baldur. First you start off in a giant plane with a large APC attached to it. After a little bit, it detaches and lands in the Hall of Hero’s! Right when you start, walk into the large open room. Move around a bit; get a feel for the controls. Then go up the steps and turn right, then enter the door.
Cross the bridge and turn left, this triggers a cinematic of you meeting your new 'friend', the goblin! This causes around twenty or so Goblins to swarm you, just use the analog stick in their direction to kill them with ease. Next, keep going and enter the door. Walk into the next room and then turn left. After that, go down the stairs. One rocket goblin and ten regular goblins spawn. Kill the rocket one first, which makes four waves of ten goblins spawn on the cliff and jump down, kill them.
This triggers an flash back to "The Aesir", the little building you'll spend any of your "safe" time at repairing armor and such. Just walk up to the platform and it will take you up. Then walk up to the desk and watch the cinematic. When the cinematic is over, an ambush happens. Tons of goblins swarm you but they cause no real threat. By now, you should be level three and have six skill points. Put all six into "A Capacity for Rage." Next time you level up, put your points down which ever tree you wish to go down. (Left, middle, or right).
Go through the door and you'll enter a room that's a funeral path. Follow the tracks, along the way around twenty goblins spawn. Kill them, then the line of goblins charge you. Ignore them and go for the rocket goblins, after you kill them juggle the enemy leader into the air and do a finisher to him in the air. After you do that, kill the regular goblins. Go through the door which leads you to a large open room with two rocket goblins. Once you get close to them two goblins spawn near you. Kill the rocket goblins first then the regulars.
Go up the steps, which cause a troll to pop out of the debris. Jump up and do an finisher to his chest. Run behind him and press A. Lean your character to the other direction he’s leaning. Center him and press down with your analog sticks. This triggers another flash back, once that's done you'll be in Cyberspace. Walk towards Freya which causes another cinematic. Once that's over walk towards the well and press A. You're in cyberspace again, so go to the glowing stone and press A. Then follow the path to a wooden door, step on the circle and press the Right Trigger.
Loot the obelisk with the A button and head back to the well and press A again to go back. Walk backwards and turn right (I'm ignoring all wells and obelisks for this review that aren't important, FYI) to go through the door. Walk into the large open bridge. Fire your ranged weapon at the red glowing goblin (Explosive Polarity). Then kill the regulars and move on. Keep moving forward; kill the rocket goblin and then the leader. Mop up any surviving goblins. Around twenty goblins spawn after that, kill them.
Go through the door, and go down the hallway. Two explosive polarity goblins spawn. Kill them with your gun. Go forward and jump over the edge, two rocket goblins are there. Go after them and ignore the regular goblins, kill the rocket ones then the regulars. One rocket goblin is on the steps near the well, kill him. An explosive goblin and ten regulars charge you, shoot the explosive one with your gun and kill the stragglers. Go to your left and enter the door, two rocket goblins and a Troll. Kill the two rocket goblins and then kill the troll last just like you did last time.
Keep going forward and kill the two rocket goblins, then the leader. When you're going after them however it spawns dozens of goblins, kill them all last. Go forward through the door. Jump down and kill the goblins in the room and good forward. Around twenty goblins spawn on the bridge ahead and jump down. Kill the rocket goblins and then the leader with the regulars last. Walk up the stairs and through the door. Start crossing the bridge to spot two freezing goblins. Shoot them from range, and then kill the regulars. (If they're immune to your damage, use a ruiner).
Open the door, at least two dozen explosive goblins charge you. Shoot and kill one to have it explode and killing the others nearby. Do these a few times while moving back. Go on the platform and have it go down. Kill the enemies that spawn. After that, go through the door and kill the four rocket goblins. Then the leader with regulars last. Walk up the steps to the left and press A to go into the well. Move forward and turn right when you're in the field. Run up to the rock and get on the circle, press the Right Trigger.
Run back to the well and press A. Go into the door and kill the rocket goblins and then the leader, regulars last. Then go up the steps and press the button. Wait for the platform to come over and get on it. Just keep dodging around on it to avoid the missiles. Once it's done, you're in GRNDL's lair. Go read my GRNDL tips on to beat him.
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Added (2009-01-11, 7:47 Pm)
11) Advanced Combat AC600
Polarity take-down: Use your ranged finisher (both analog sticks together in the direction you wish to use your ranged finisher) on an Polarity enemy (Trolls don't take much damage from this), to make them explode without firing a shot from your gun. Be careful, as you may mistakenly make your character launch forward and melee the Polarity enemy.
Two Hander’s: While I do not suggest this, two hander’s however can become deadly if wielded in the hands of an expert Berserker (AKA: Crazed Zerker as they're called). For beginning Berserker's, stick with duel wield. Later on you may test two hander’s.
Middle Path: Many players never chose the middle path. And it's best to advise not taking this until you've played through the game at least once. After you do, you should respec and check out the 'Speeding Bullet' path. This lowers your damage and attack speed, however it increases your running speed. Especially with the Battle Cry up, you'll notice your Berserker speeding through the fields are amazing rates. And the Spider ability snares any enemies nearby, making it the ultimate escape device in-game.
12) Tokens TK650
Each level is split into sections.
Each section is a Token.
Get that Token by beating the section.
Then, once you get all the Tokens for that level, it resets the level and all the Obelisks in it. You cannot have a Boss drop any Elites unless you have all the Tokens from the previous sections. This prevents boss farming.
More Tokens, bigger chance for loot.
HoH: 3 Tokens, small chance.
IF: 4 Tokens, good chance.
WS + Hel: 5 Tokens, amazing chance.
13) Co-Op CP700
Every class is helpful to the Berserker in some way (Nice balancing SK, really!).
Here are some tips on each class and such.
Berserker + Defender: A GREAT choice to play with. Berserker's are all out offense with little defense. Defenders are all out defense with little offense. Combined together it makes the ultimate pack to destroy anything. For socketing, let the Defender take Aggression runes and you to take Passive ones. That way, the Defender can take the beating while you dish it out.
Berserker + Bio Engineer: Very nice choice. Especially due to Bio Engineer can heal, so if you ever happen to take a hit, the Bio Engineer can heal you. The Bio Engineer should be the one mostly taking all the damage. Bio Engineers have an ability to heal themselves over time, and have large health amounts, while we do not.
Berserker + Champion: Interesting choice, really. It will be a constant little competition as to who gets to the kill first. This group can easily get through any challenge extremely fast. Champions should be the one mostly taking all the damage, but you can take some as well. They're better at taking it then us, but they can' take it as much as a Defender and such. So don't let them take all the blows all the time.
Berserker + Commando: Very fun! The master of melee, and the master of ranged combat team up to take down any foe. This is hands down my personal favorite. The Commando can help tear up any enemies that are on top of you, and can kill most bosses with extreme ease. Your job is to defend them, meaning you're going to be the 'tank' of the group. Get up there and keep the enemy on you, so the Commando can do what he does best.
Berserker + Berserker: Not bad, but you'll be constantly bickering over who gets what gear or what kill. Two Human Berserker's can help gain the group up to 6 Combo points. Making them fast and deadly, with great XP bonus. Two Cybernetic Berserker's can dish out tons of damage and kill bosses and leaders extremely fast.
By: Ice Storm. Any and all questions can be asked to me by PM, XBL or in this thread. Do NOT copy this without my permission.
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Added (2009-01-11, 7:47 Pm)
14) Extras ET750
This part is for anything extra and such, this will be random things added to help the guide or that have helped the guide. Will be listing the sub-sections in red, they will not have Codes with them. This is all one section.
Thanks To: (Everyone that helped for v1 or v2)
Acidfoxx (Rolling tips for the win!)
Phux (Everlasting Hatred tips were nice)
Kagehiro608 (Reminded me the enemy type I missed)
AZN FTW (Good ol' Crazed Berserker, fool! )
AKAtheMilkman (Kept it bumped while helping me with any problems along the way)
Tarnag (Helping me keep my head when I was upset beyond self control, you know what I'm talking about)
Panzer (Reminded me of Elite Trolls.)
so562cal (GRNL tips and being an awesome friend.)
Systempunkt (Runes selection suggestion. Also, thinking of that comment you said about Elite armor and their stats / etc.)
Feyd (Another Negative Polarity poster. Thanks, needed multiple confirmations to make sure this wasn't a bug or an random event.)
superjay42 (Encouraging me to get off my *** and completely spell check and fix it. Looks professional. Cheers)
iron (For reminding me of anything I missed)
Spinny_Guy (Spelling errors for the lose, thanks for showing me!)
KahLriK (Bumpy past, but you've calmed down a bit and helped on a few areas)
Narayan (Suggestion for the Updates part was a very nice suggestion.)
Purple Gryphon (For re-sticking this guide, and helping the account transfer.)
Hannar (We've had a rough past... But I wish to thank you for giving this guide a shot when I first made it.)
BMAN270 (Your Everlasting Hatred tip was lost during the swap in v1. If you can find it or retype it, please do and PM me it again, thanks.)
Eiself (Thanks for the tip on Sniper Elf’s.)
Sickness (Thanks for the GRNDL tip!)
SpazROK (For the awesome signature.)
My family. (For all the support and encouragement in everything, and because if I don't thank them for all of my accomplishments they would disown me.)
And to the community. If I forgot someone’s name, I'm sorry. But you know who you are! Just send an PM to be listed on up there.
Additional Guides:
This part has some links for additional guides related to Too Human and such, all credit is towards the makers. Please, if you found their information helpful then respond in their thread.
Maawdawg's Charm Guide (Charm Guide)
blooD crEscNT's Bio Engineer Guide (Bio Engineer Guide)
Systems Human Defender Guide (Human Defender Guide)
Irons Champion Guide (Champion Guide)
GloatingSwine's Commando Guide (Commando Guide)
15) Updates UP800
This part will be for updates and such. That way people can know when ever I update something so I don't have to make a new post and have it lost in time in this thread! Just a tip, v1 = version one of my guide, while v2 is current guide (this thread).
Also, coloring the versions. Dates in red are version 1 (v1), dates in blue are version 2 (v2).
8/27 (v1) - Version one is live.
8/29 (v1) - Co-Op.
8/30 (v1) - Tokens, Elite Trolls, Everlasting Hatred threat level reduced.
9/3 (v1) - Guide back up from previously being taken down due to an problem with some posters.
9/12 (v1) - Basic ruins for Berserker's and negative combo polarities.
9/12 (v1) - Overhaul of guide design, rearranged, CTRL + F function, spelling errors, and some polarity tips.
9/14 (v1) - Rewrote paragraphs that didn't much sense by how it was written before, and an extremely large spell check throughout all my guide to make it nice and clean. Took over fifty minutes word by word.
9/16 (v1) - Version one taken down. A lot of memories on that guide that was washed away. But we have have to move on sooner or later and upgrade. RIP v1.
9/17 (v2) - Version two is now up! Some editing around and replacing "Fire Storm" with "Ice Storm" and such, fixed up a bit on polarities (Light and Dark).
9/17 (v2) - More updates such as working on the Extras section. Working on an poll, too, but cannot figure out a good one. Suggestions would be helpful.
9/17 (v2) - (Yes yes, there's a lot of 9/17 updates). Everlasting hatred finally has a 'true' strategy other then 'Run run run!'. Many have suggested different tactics, so I decided to post my newest strategy on him. I was saddened to see that I over-looked that boss strategy for so long.
9/21 (v2) - Poll added for Co-Op question. I'd love it if you'd post your thoughts as to why.
9/21 (v2) - Retouched all areas of my guide part by part. Makes a little bit more sense and a lot more in certain areas.
9/22 (v2) - Fixing the 'Thanks' part, some poster that I thanked didn't have an comment next to their name saying why.
9/24(v2) - Better defined Human vs Cybernetic section. Oh, and the 25th is my birthday! One day away..
9/25 (v2) - Woohoo, go me. It's my birthday, and I'm willing to bet no one really cares hehe. Ah well, anyway I'm thinking of adding some things into the guide as my little treat for this special occasion. However, I don't know what to make.
9/26 (v2) - Working on the 'special occasion'. It's an strategy for each level. Currently I've just gone and done Hall of Heros. I did NOT steal it from anywhere if you're wondering. I spent my time sitting there taking notes per fight and such to write it down. If you spot an error, please let me know.
10/3 (v2) - Hod strategy updated for additional information and suggestions.
10/9 (v2) - Guides back up, recoloring and touching on some areas.
10/10 (v2) - Added Contact Info.
10/12 (v2) - Spiced up the guide some.
10/19 (v2) - Updates on GRNDL and Sniper Elfs.
10/25 (v2) - Added "Additional Guides" to the Extras section.
16) Contact Info CI850
Here's info to contact me if you need to for suggestions, comments, or complaints about my guide or how I've wrote it / talked about certain areas.
Forums: Send a PM (Private Message) to me or write in this thread.
Xbox Live: My gamer tag is Ice Void, feel free to contact me at any time if I'm on.
I don't not have any IM or such, sorry. You'll have to contact me by any of the above options.
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